


 中国物资再生协会(英文名称:China National Resources Recycling Association. 简称CRRA)成立于1993年,是经过中国民政部核准登记注册的国家级社团法人行业组织,隶属国务院国资委。CRRA是由全国再生资源回收再生利用的专业性公司(集团)、工矿企业、废料贸易公司等加工者和贸易商组成,并且包含科研、院校、社会团体和个体等成员,现有1200多个会员单位。总部设在北京。


  中国物资再生协会以服务于再生资源回收再生利用行业及服务于政府管理为主旨,坚持以市场为导向, 热心为会员服务, 积极发挥组织协调作用, 维护会员的合法权益;对物资再生资源的开发利用进行指导;宣传物资再生利用事业对节约资源、节约能源、保护生态环境的重要意义;坚持科教兴业, 开发教学育才,推广新技术、新工艺;推动物资再生事业的发展;协助政府部门制定行业发展规划, 参与制定、修订本行业法规政策及标准规范,组织推进法规政策、标准的贯彻实施;开展全国物资再生行业信用等级评价工作,引导行业企业诚实守信;促进我国再生资源回收利用工作在世界各国开展多种方式的贸易合作,从而对环境保护和资源永续做出贡献。


  China National Resources Recycling Association Brief Introduction

  China National Resources Recycling Association (CRRA) was founded in 1993. It is a national-level industrial organization registered with Ministry of Civic of People’s Republic of China. It is affiliated to State Council SASAC. CRRA’s members are composed of processers and trading companies, including recycling resources specialized companies (groups), mining enterprises, scrap traders. It also includes scientific research institutes, collages, social groups and certain expertise individuals. Currently it has more than 1200 members, headquarter in Beijing.CRRA is the biggest self-discipline organization of Chinese resources recycling and utilization industry. Its members specialized in purchase of secondary resources and sales of recycled products, are mainly operating in areas of scrap resources collecting, sorting, dismantling, refinery and recycled products sales. They have warehouses and logistic all around China and alone the coast line. They not only sell used materials and scrap appliances and ELV from domestic market, and the military retired equipments, aircrafts, ships and vehicles, and also they are involved in export and import of scrap materials. They have the abilities to dismantling these recyclable resources and processing them as well. They are the important raw material suppliers of domestic metallurgy, machinery and light chemistry industries.The China government has laid high emphasis on resources recycling industry and has taken the policy of resources-saving and material-recycling and utilization as a key and important economy policy and has formulated and is carrying on related measurements and encouraging materialization of recyclable resources.    Guided by the market, CRRA plays the role of services to resources recycling and utilization industry and to the government administration. It functions actively as an organization for coordination and it strictly protects its member’s legal rights and advantages. It gives guides for resources recycling exploring and utilization, make it public that the important meaning of the resources recycling industry to energy-saving, resources-saving and ecological environmental protection, and supports the industry with the concept of science, education and innovation of technologies and methods. It eventually pushes the development of resources recycling industry by assistance to the government to make industrial development plan, and make joint-effort to policy and standards formation and emendation. It also contributes to explanation of regulations, rules and standards. It guides the industrial companies to operate their business with honest and credits, by being an auditor of national resource recycling industry credit and reputation system. It works hard to make it possible that Chinese resources recycling and utilization would find its own way to various trade cooperation with other countries all over the world so that China recycling industry could also contribute to environmental protection and sustainable resources.    There are altogether 16 affiliated departments and 12 functional departments in CRRA, including: ELV Committee, Military Retired Equipments Committee, Recycling Resources Processing Park Committee, Recycling Resources Processing Equipments and Technology Application Branch, Secondary Oil Committee, Re-generating Committee, Recycling Resources Trade Coordination Committee, importing Recycling Resources Committee, Precious metal Recycling Committee, Plastics Branch, Recycling Resources Supply Chain Committee, Recycling Resources Technology Service Committee, Zhong Zai Xie(Beijing) Conference & Exhibition Service Company, State Open University of Recycling Economy College, the magazine China Resources Integrated Utilization, compulsory recycling resources technology innovation strategy federation. The main functional departments are: General Department (statistic and membership), Financing Department, Information Department, Automobile Department, Industrial Development Department, Scientific and Technology Development Department, International Communication Department, Conference & Exhibition Department, Credit and evaluation Administrative Department and Military Resources Administrative Office.

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